Ponderosas and pancakes
Does camping become a place where healthy choices give way to quicker not as healthy choices?
It doesn’t have to be that way.
Teff pancakes topped with blueberries, drizzled with a hawthorn berry elixir and a side of sugar-free humanely raised bacon!
I enjoyed a delicious, quick and nutrient dense breakfast in the splendor of a ponderosa speckled Utah desert canyon with a prep time of less than 15 minutes.
My pancake mix is simple and pre-made so all that needs to be done is beat an egg, pop in the liquid of choice (raw goat milk for me), mix and cook ‘em up! Power packed fuel for a day of canyon adventures that satiated me well into the afternoon.
Pancake mix:
1 cup of teff flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1 tsp of cinnamon
pinch of salt
Add 1 egg beaten
1/2 c of chosen liquid
You can add a fat if you like as well. Sometimes I add 1/8 c of coconut oil or goose fat.
Sometimes for a a denser cake I add a few tablespoons of ground up pumpkin seeds.
Experimentation is fun!