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Feeling like we can move through the world in right relationship with our bodies not only increases efficiency of movement, decreases pain and discomfort and lands us in our personal embodiment, it also enlivens and empowers us to be our own healers. 


I thrive on guiding a personalized biomechanical and movement awakening for my clients. Watching a client move into a posture or through a series of movements that was once creating discomfort and find their own inner alignment is a joy to witness. 


I utilize my lifetime movement practices, multiple Yoga Therapy trainings, Yoga Teacher trainings, apprenticeships and study and practice of the technique of yoga nidra as well as ongoing study of other movement modalities (ancestral movement) to offer both public asana (physical yoga postures) movement classes and personalized therapeutic movement sessions. 


I help clients address issues such as low back pain, decreased mobility, occipital neuralgia and scoliosis. These personalizied sessions are also a complementary enhancement to your other movement practices, teaching you biomechanical alignment and honing your strength, flexibility, inner focus and balance. 


It's all about adding another tool to your lifestyle quiver! 








                       PUBLIC "POP UP" CLASSES


Yin & Tonic is a class designed to be accessible to every one and can be accommodated in most open spaces. 


It is available for monthly or bi-monthly events in your yoga studio, local business and other requested locations. 


These fast paced and often chaotic times have our cortisol levels running higher than ever and our nervous systems on overdrive. Sleep is one of the most crucial healers for this modern phenomena, but deep fascial release in the form of Yin style asanas (postures) and conscious "sleep" also known as a guided meditation called Yoga Nidra can combine to create physical relaxation in the body that can be a powerful gateway to the parasympathetic nervous system. 


Elevated cortisol levels are linked to chronic inflammation, fatigue, weight gain and impaired immune and brain function.  Lowering cortisol levels brings our body back toward homeostasis, reduces inflammation, balances hormones, supports healthy gut flora and strengthens our immune function.  


[Currently being held monthly at B YOGA. Check for dates.]



Abbie Jean Ciullo

Functional Nutrition

Wellness Motivation


Botanical Formulas

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